
The sonochromatic influence of a spectrum of sound during the First 1000 Days and particularly during gestation is believed to produce a calming effect on both mother and fetus.  We call this enhancement to the environment calmbirthAWE™. An enhancement of spatial-temporal reasoning performance after listening to Mozart's music for 10 minutes has been reported by several, but not all, researchers. The Mozart Effect results in a calming influence and will vary depending upon the type of sound and overall acceptance and repetitiveness of sounds and motion.  As in all things there exists a continuum on a spectrum of sound.  These sounds will include music and reading. We believe the sonochromatic influence of calmbirthAWE™ sound and motion will reduce the incidence of anxiety in utero and reduce such conditions as ADHD and may even improve cognitive function by providing a soothing well-modulated sound environment.   Origins FTD intends to provide sonochromatic calmbirthAWE™ programming that can be dialed-in as the mom and family so choose.